
Chatbot for Instagram?

Since Messenger & Instagram integration chatbot for Instagram now seems to be possible by Botbox
Elmir Aliyev
4 min to read

Quick pre-history; yesterday Facebook announced the integration Messenger into Instagram. You can read more details here.

Wouldn’t say that people struggled a lot by switching from Messenger to Instagram, and in the opposite direction. This integration is intended for audience retention and rapid product development. Since we will be covering business topics in this blog post, we are letting ourselves to skip making a basic introduction into the story by explaining every aspect of the merge itself.

However is that what does Instagram communication gives to the business? Saying a lot like saying nothing. Even though Facebook introduced Messenger’s integration into Instagram as just additional tools to the app people are using for creating visual content, we all understand that Instagram becomes a totally new product. A product that will be making user’s life easier by having cross-channel functions and this feature already attracting businesses accordingly.

Market size.

If we go to the number of downloads, both apps have +1 billion users per each.

Together, you can say it counts 2 billion users — true? Yes. Together it makes 2 billion people — true? Not really.

Why? Because the same apps can be used by a single person. Does it limit the market size? If we talk straight forward by comparing a number of users and that’s it — then probably yeah. But does it decrease the opportunities? Definitely no. It even increases. A lot.

Business opportunities.

Now users from Messenger can talk to users from Instagram without having an Instagram account and vice versa. This gives businesses an opportunity to sell their product by targeting a much wider audience. Since Instagram is a very much visually dependent platform, now businesses will have many more options to communicate with customers and won’t be dependent only on feed posts and stories.

Chatbot solutions.

For a pleasant digital communication nowadays messengers including Facebook messenger having the next ingredients: typing, replying, reacting, audio, and video calling.

Based on the above-mentioned ingredients current developed almost any chatbot. Now guess what Instagram includes after the updates? Yes, all of them. Yet it’s on the test and the only a limited amount of users (probably from US location) are having access to the beta and will be testing/feedbacking the features, we all already understand where it will be going.

Instagram already has a shopping option on the platform and opportunity to sell products within Instagram with the help of chatbot? I know, sounds tasty.

Only Messengers. Only Instagram.

We know those stories when in some countries Messengers are very much used between the nations and people do not take very seriously Instagram or cases when a majority of the country/region prefers Instagram even for instant communication. This kind of talk was not only between the people but also created so many questions marks up there in the marketing room where people couldn't to an agreement which platform to boost in order to increase the revenue.

When it comes to chatbot solutions, not every business was able to clearly explain itself the difference between making communication-based sales over Messenger and paid content promotions on Instagram. Now, as you understand, integrated Messenger into Instagram will solve these questions and bring much more value to the users by increasing the quality of transferred messages that will influence the businesses' growth.

In our previous blog posts, we have opened the topic of chatbots exclusive advantage such as an open rate of 92% on Messengers versus 6% (average globally) on emails. But Messenger integrated into the biggest visual platform in the World — sounds much more explosive!

And at last…any chatbot for Instagram? Reach us at

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